Friday 30 September 2011


Our idea is to start the sequence by showing that a funeral has taken place , by using characters dressed in black and one main character linked to the person who had been killed. We are then going to use a flash back from what happened to give the audience an idea, and to engage them from the start. A young girl that had been told not to walk threw the woods by her mother on her way home from school, decided to disobey the orders given to her and whilst walking home from school she took a turn for the worst. Our last scene will end with a slight twist, revealing something which might not have been obvious to the audience and giving the answers to the mystery.
We have four characters included in our beginning sequence. This is the mother and farther of the child, the murderer and the child. The mother and farther will be introduced first at the beginning when they are leaving the funeral. They wont be portrayed to the audience in a positive light as they have been through an extremely horrible moment but it will show them what the main plot to the rest of the film is. The child will get shown as a very innocent character and will come across to the audience as naive. We will show her skipping and dress her in a way which will show how old she is.

costume which represents the characters and shows what type of person they are
We have chose the theme of our beginning sequence to be based around murder and abduction. We have decided to use these themes as you can include many different ideas and reasons as to why the murder happened. Someone could be killed for revenge, because of relationship, or you could leave the audience not knowing why it happened.


first ideas

These are the first words which came to mind when we were given the thriller brief. We thought of
Action- because you find many thriller films include action. This could set the mood for a thriller film as it's quick moving and sets tension. You could have the camera being hand held by somebody running away from something or you could have a action shot of a group of people making an escape in to get away from a murder they have committed, e.c.t.

School- because you can make school look gloomy and frightening at night with the long corridors.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Film Opening To A Thriller Film- Peeping Tom

In the opening clip to the film 'Peeping Tom', there includes many obvious things which make it a thriller. You can tell what has been deliberately used to make the audience feel more tense when they're watching it.
The way he followed the lady for a long period of time built suspense. Although it dragged out, it was a useful technique as  you knew what was going to happen/what to expect but you didn't know when so it kept you waiting.
The opening clip included some contrast with the sounds. At  first there was hardly heard any noise apart from when the women talked to the man, when she got into the room and started screaming it seemed stronger and more powerful as it had been quiet up until then.
The camera inside the mans jacket shows him looked at the woman in a sexual way. This forces the audience to look at her in that was as well and can make you feel uncomfortable and more worried about what is going to happen later on in the scene. It builds up suspense and creates a strong atmosphere.