Tuesday 27 September 2011

Film Opening To A Thriller Film- Peeping Tom

In the opening clip to the film 'Peeping Tom', there includes many obvious things which make it a thriller. You can tell what has been deliberately used to make the audience feel more tense when they're watching it.
The way he followed the lady for a long period of time built suspense. Although it dragged out, it was a useful technique as  you knew what was going to happen/what to expect but you didn't know when so it kept you waiting.
The opening clip included some contrast with the sounds. At  first there was hardly heard any noise apart from when the women talked to the man, when she got into the room and started screaming it seemed stronger and more powerful as it had been quiet up until then.
The camera inside the mans jacket shows him looked at the woman in a sexual way. This forces the audience to look at her in that was as well and can make you feel uncomfortable and more worried about what is going to happen later on in the scene. It builds up suspense and creates a strong atmosphere.

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