Monday 10 October 2011

Frame by frame analysis of Saw V

The opening scene starts off with a dark shot of a man chained to a table, the shot is at a high angle above the character looking down on him, this is called a birdseye shot. This shows us that he is vunerable at this point and shows his whole body chained to a table.

The next shot the camera moves away from the character but slowely whilst he is shown panacking trying to get the chains off his body. It then goes into a wide shot of the man and you can see a television next to him, this makes us think that the television is related to the scene some how.

The shot after this shows a scarey face appear onto the television but the camera is lined so you can see the man watching the television, this is how we recognise how the television was related to the scene.

The next shot is a shot reverse shot, where the camera swaps from facing the man to facing the television, at first the man is watching the t.v and listening to what the scarey man has to say to him as it is a tape being played, but after a few quick seconds the camera changes back to the t.v, then again back to the man to see him struggeling and crying for help. This sets a tense mood towards the clip, but also slightly reveals who the person is who has taken and chained up this man.

The last shot which i focused on, the scarey man on the tape gives the other man (the main character) a task to do to survive, its still a shot reverse shot at the point as the man is listening and watching the television. The room is still very low lighting so you can only clearly see the man chained to a table and the television, this is so we can concentrate on the two main things in the clip.

The sounds throughout the whole clip is low and dark music, it keeps at the same tone but gets louder when the television turns off. The music makes the clip more horror as it uses deep and slow music with a scarey touch to it. Also the main character looks horrible which makes it more horrific as he has tattoos on his body and doesn't look like hes shaved or anything in a while, the camera concentartes on his naked body at the beginning to let us see it. Also the man on the tape is like a terrifying cartoon, but with a real mans voice talking, this makes it weird, but at the same time wonderous as it hasn't totally been revealed who the murderer is yet. This sets tension.

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