Tuesday 18 October 2011

Target Audience

Target audience for a film is important to know because it will help decide what contents should be included, for example, older people will enjoy different editing and scenes than younger children. Therefore, to please a particular audience you need to have the right idea of what age will prefer it.

We have chosen to set our target audience as a 12. Our reasons for this being that any younger children will find our film scary and it might be to frightening for them to watch but children older than 12 will find it less scary and it may also raise awareness that being out by yourself in certain areas can be dangerous. We think that older teenagers and younge adults will still find our film creepy and enjoyable so our target audience is set from the age of 12-30.

Our aim is to make the people who watch our film feel uncomfortable and to find it scary and intense, this is another reason for our target audience as these are the ages which are more likely to feel this way when watching it. We also chose our target audience to be from the age 12-30 as it will hopefully fit their expectations of what the film is going to be like and any older than this might find it dissapointing as they could have seen more thriller films as they are older and could have higher expectations.

Our film doesn't include blood, fighting or horrific murder scenes, it's more subtle and psychological and has a much more creepy effect to it. This is why our target audience starts from quite a small age as it doesn't involve anything too shocking. We would recommend our film to people who enjoy thriller films to horror and we suspect that both boys and girls will enjoy our film, but girls may find it more effective to them as our main character is a girl. 

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