Friday 7 October 2011

Frame by frame analysis - When a stranger calls

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I have chosen the to make my frame by frame analysis on the opening sequence of “When A Stranger Calls”. I have chosen to focus on the first 2 minutes of the opening sequence.
The film starts up whit a voice over of a phone call while the screen remains black. Its shows us that the phone call is very important for the film. And we know that the two people who lead the conversation are important in the film.
The first scene in the movie is a close up at a house with focus at a room at the first floor. It’s the only room with light on, and we now know that, the girl in the phone probably is in this room.
While the camera turns away from the house and into an amusement park, starts the music. The music has a “tension building” effect and makes the audience to be scary.
50 sec: The camera cuts into the amusement park while the music chance and the camera follows to running children. It’s let the audience know that the park maybe is going to be an important place in the film. The tension in the park is very stressful.         
53 sec: The Camera cuts to a man with his dog. The audience can’t see who the man is because of the darkness. The camera is making a few speeds up cuts at the man.
56 sec: The camera turns again with speed up from the man into the park and the house.  It tells the audience that the man is an important character in the film. The camera is here making different tips of focus effects between the house and the park.  And it’s zooming in and out at the house. It’s tells us that it’s the same girl in the phone.  
Under that clip starts a new phone call with the girl. And the music is still making the audience scary.
1,14 sec: The camera is making a shoulder short from a old couple. We are seeing the man with the dog again. He seemed to be nice, because he is greets to the couple. But the music and the dogs barking is making the creepy.
1,20 sec: A long short to a new house. The audience can see the park behind the house, which tell that this have something to do with the beginning. The woman is shouting tree names, and the music gets the audience to be worried about them.  
1,50 sec: The man with the dog owes into a house. The music is now laughter and    
1,53 sec: The camera make a quick cut and tune quick into the park again. In a “quick” slow-motion you see children jumping around. The music is very chaotic. It’s a mix of music and real sound from the park like screaming. The camera is handhold and very chaotic too.
2.01 sec: The handhold camera is making a lot of chaotic moves but it stops with the house. You can again hear the voice over phone call and the girl’s voice.  And you can still hear the real sounds from the park and some background music.

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