Wednesday 26 October 2011

dates/times for filming

9th October 2011

12:00-1:00 Filming of the girl walking and skipping through the woods without knowing she's being watched. Filming of the necklace falling of her neck without her knowing which was decided not to be used in the sequence in the end. Filming of the necklace on the floor. 

1:00-1:30 Filming of the murderer watching her. Shots such as his feet behind a bush showing that he's hiding, point of view shots of him following her e.c.t. Filming of his foot snapping a stick which the girl hears.

1:30-2:30 Filming of the girl starting to realise she's being watched/followed. Filming of the girl running away and trying to find somewhere to go. Filming of the trees and birds eye view of the woods. Filming of the girl being snatched into a bush which was decided not to be used in the sequence.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Target Audience

Target audience for a film is important to know because it will help decide what contents should be included, for example, older people will enjoy different editing and scenes than younger children. Therefore, to please a particular audience you need to have the right idea of what age will prefer it.

We have chosen to set our target audience as a 12. Our reasons for this being that any younger children will find our film scary and it might be to frightening for them to watch but children older than 12 will find it less scary and it may also raise awareness that being out by yourself in certain areas can be dangerous. We think that older teenagers and younge adults will still find our film creepy and enjoyable so our target audience is set from the age of 12-30.

Our aim is to make the people who watch our film feel uncomfortable and to find it scary and intense, this is another reason for our target audience as these are the ages which are more likely to feel this way when watching it. We also chose our target audience to be from the age 12-30 as it will hopefully fit their expectations of what the film is going to be like and any older than this might find it dissapointing as they could have seen more thriller films as they are older and could have higher expectations.

Our film doesn't include blood, fighting or horrific murder scenes, it's more subtle and psychological and has a much more creepy effect to it. This is why our target audience starts from quite a small age as it doesn't involve anything too shocking. We would recommend our film to people who enjoy thriller films to horror and we suspect that both boys and girls will enjoy our film, but girls may find it more effective to them as our main character is a girl. 

Monday 10 October 2011

Frame by frame analysis of Saw V

The opening scene starts off with a dark shot of a man chained to a table, the shot is at a high angle above the character looking down on him, this is called a birdseye shot. This shows us that he is vunerable at this point and shows his whole body chained to a table.

The next shot the camera moves away from the character but slowely whilst he is shown panacking trying to get the chains off his body. It then goes into a wide shot of the man and you can see a television next to him, this makes us think that the television is related to the scene some how.

The shot after this shows a scarey face appear onto the television but the camera is lined so you can see the man watching the television, this is how we recognise how the television was related to the scene.

The next shot is a shot reverse shot, where the camera swaps from facing the man to facing the television, at first the man is watching the t.v and listening to what the scarey man has to say to him as it is a tape being played, but after a few quick seconds the camera changes back to the t.v, then again back to the man to see him struggeling and crying for help. This sets a tense mood towards the clip, but also slightly reveals who the person is who has taken and chained up this man.

The last shot which i focused on, the scarey man on the tape gives the other man (the main character) a task to do to survive, its still a shot reverse shot at the point as the man is listening and watching the television. The room is still very low lighting so you can only clearly see the man chained to a table and the television, this is so we can concentrate on the two main things in the clip.

The sounds throughout the whole clip is low and dark music, it keeps at the same tone but gets louder when the television turns off. The music makes the clip more horror as it uses deep and slow music with a scarey touch to it. Also the main character looks horrible which makes it more horrific as he has tattoos on his body and doesn't look like hes shaved or anything in a while, the camera concentartes on his naked body at the beginning to let us see it. Also the man on the tape is like a terrifying cartoon, but with a real mans voice talking, this makes it weird, but at the same time wonderous as it hasn't totally been revealed who the murderer is yet. This sets tension.

Friday 7 October 2011

Frame by frame analysis - When a stranger calls

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I have chosen the to make my frame by frame analysis on the opening sequence of “When A Stranger Calls”. I have chosen to focus on the first 2 minutes of the opening sequence.
The film starts up whit a voice over of a phone call while the screen remains black. Its shows us that the phone call is very important for the film. And we know that the two people who lead the conversation are important in the film.
The first scene in the movie is a close up at a house with focus at a room at the first floor. It’s the only room with light on, and we now know that, the girl in the phone probably is in this room.
While the camera turns away from the house and into an amusement park, starts the music. The music has a “tension building” effect and makes the audience to be scary.
50 sec: The camera cuts into the amusement park while the music chance and the camera follows to running children. It’s let the audience know that the park maybe is going to be an important place in the film. The tension in the park is very stressful.         
53 sec: The Camera cuts to a man with his dog. The audience can’t see who the man is because of the darkness. The camera is making a few speeds up cuts at the man.
56 sec: The camera turns again with speed up from the man into the park and the house.  It tells the audience that the man is an important character in the film. The camera is here making different tips of focus effects between the house and the park.  And it’s zooming in and out at the house. It’s tells us that it’s the same girl in the phone.  
Under that clip starts a new phone call with the girl. And the music is still making the audience scary.
1,14 sec: The camera is making a shoulder short from a old couple. We are seeing the man with the dog again. He seemed to be nice, because he is greets to the couple. But the music and the dogs barking is making the creepy.
1,20 sec: A long short to a new house. The audience can see the park behind the house, which tell that this have something to do with the beginning. The woman is shouting tree names, and the music gets the audience to be worried about them.  
1,50 sec: The man with the dog owes into a house. The music is now laughter and    
1,53 sec: The camera make a quick cut and tune quick into the park again. In a “quick” slow-motion you see children jumping around. The music is very chaotic. It’s a mix of music and real sound from the park like screaming. The camera is handhold and very chaotic too.
2.01 sec: The handhold camera is making a lot of chaotic moves but it stops with the house. You can again hear the voice over phone call and the girl’s voice.  And you can still hear the real sounds from the park and some background music.

Animatic Number One

This is our first Animatic for our thriller opening sequence. We have chosen to start it of with a frame including the mother and farther outside a church holding hands crying. Our next frame is a close up of the mother, to show more emotion and feelings. The third shot shows an extreme close up of her eye which then transforms into her daughters eye to show a connection/link between them and to make it clear to the audience that the funeral is about the daughter. Our fifth frame is a long shot of the girl skipping through the woods wearing a necklace and a girly dress. We then have a side view of the girl skipping through the woods and her necklace comes off without her knowing. Our next frame shows a close up of the necklace on the floor to show the audience what it looks like so that they can identify it later on the sequence. The next frame then goes back to outside the church and the mother is holding the necklace in her hands. In then goes back to the woods and show a long shot of the girl from behind. 


I have chosen to do my frame-by-frame analysis on the opening sequence of Memento as I find it very interesting because of the way it is structured. I have also chose to analsis this film as it contains some very obvious thriller film teqniques.  

The first frame to Memento involves somebody looking at a photograph waiting for it to develop. You can make out the photograph has been taken of a body surrounded by blood, this instantly sets the tone to the film, showing the audience that it is going to include the genre, murder. It makes you question what has happened, how and why. After a while the photograph turns white which suggests the next frames are going to be reversed backwards in time. Gloomy music is being played with the sound of violins which sets a dark tone to the frame. The colours are depressing which also adds to the dark tone, such as the dark green in the background and the cold blue font of the opening title. The use of colours makes the blood stand out from the rest of the frame, giving the audience an idea of the main focus to the opening sequence. The lenght of the frame is 1m14s which build suspense as the audience are waiting for something to happen.

The second frame is still in reversed order, so the camera takes back the photograph and then a man takes the photo. You still havn't seen the mans face which creates mystery to the audience and holds a secret for a while. It then shows the mans face, he looks slightly scared but comes across as quite calm and not really bothered by what he is looking at which raises questions. There are scratches on his cheek which forces the audience to think about whether he was involved with the persons death in the photograph from the first frame or if he is simply a crime scene photographer doing his job and prehaps the scrathes are just coincidental. The flash of the camera is the first sound, apart from the music, that we hear which creates some power and grabs the audience attention. The white light coming from the flash is the first bright colour we see which is also eye-catching. Once the flash is shown, the music changes to a more a daunting sound with deeper dynamics which is effective as you know some sort of action is about to appear.

In the third frame he puts the camera away under his jacket. The next frame shows the mans face for the second time and the fifth frame is blood going up a wall which reminds the audience that the sequence is still going backwards in time. These three frames are shown quickly which contrasts with the two frames which started the sequence, building up tension.

The sixth frame is a bullet which has very low lightening to it, implying that it's a threatening, life-taking object. The bullet shows mise en scene and quite ovbious to have in a thriller based film. The frame after this shows some upside down glasses on the floor next to a wall splattered with blood. This makes the audience feel uncomfortable as you can guess they're related to the dead body.

A mans head, face down to the floor is then shown in the next frame which is quite a shock to the audience as it's the first live footage of the dead body. It is shown no differently to the frames before, and keeps the same music making it appear unexpectedly. We have only seen the back of his head so far which keeps the audience waiting.

The ninth frame is the gun, which the man threw on the floor, coming back up through the air into the mans hand and then he bends down to the floor, still containing no emotional expressions on his face. This starts to create more and more suspense as you know what is expected to happen next. The next four frames show the bullet going back into the gun and the mans glasses going back onto his face. The music has now changed and has a new low toned sweeping sound to it, adding to the intense feeling of knowing what's coming up.

The last two frames invlove the gun shooting the bullet at the man, and the mans face turning round, finally showing the audience what he looks like enabling them to identify him. These two frames have only 1s to them which goes past very quickly. The lighting is gloomy which adds to the thriller theme and sets the tone.

Friday 30 September 2011


Our idea is to start the sequence by showing that a funeral has taken place , by using characters dressed in black and one main character linked to the person who had been killed. We are then going to use a flash back from what happened to give the audience an idea, and to engage them from the start. A young girl that had been told not to walk threw the woods by her mother on her way home from school, decided to disobey the orders given to her and whilst walking home from school she took a turn for the worst. Our last scene will end with a slight twist, revealing something which might not have been obvious to the audience and giving the answers to the mystery.
We have four characters included in our beginning sequence. This is the mother and farther of the child, the murderer and the child. The mother and farther will be introduced first at the beginning when they are leaving the funeral. They wont be portrayed to the audience in a positive light as they have been through an extremely horrible moment but it will show them what the main plot to the rest of the film is. The child will get shown as a very innocent character and will come across to the audience as naive. We will show her skipping and dress her in a way which will show how old she is.

costume which represents the characters and shows what type of person they are
We have chose the theme of our beginning sequence to be based around murder and abduction. We have decided to use these themes as you can include many different ideas and reasons as to why the murder happened. Someone could be killed for revenge, because of relationship, or you could leave the audience not knowing why it happened.


first ideas

These are the first words which came to mind when we were given the thriller brief. We thought of
Action- because you find many thriller films include action. This could set the mood for a thriller film as it's quick moving and sets tension. You could have the camera being hand held by somebody running away from something or you could have a action shot of a group of people making an escape in to get away from a murder they have committed, e.c.t.

School- because you can make school look gloomy and frightening at night with the long corridors.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Film Opening To A Thriller Film- Peeping Tom

In the opening clip to the film 'Peeping Tom', there includes many obvious things which make it a thriller. You can tell what has been deliberately used to make the audience feel more tense when they're watching it.
The way he followed the lady for a long period of time built suspense. Although it dragged out, it was a useful technique as  you knew what was going to happen/what to expect but you didn't know when so it kept you waiting.
The opening clip included some contrast with the sounds. At  first there was hardly heard any noise apart from when the women talked to the man, when she got into the room and started screaming it seemed stronger and more powerful as it had been quiet up until then.
The camera inside the mans jacket shows him looked at the woman in a sexual way. This forces the audience to look at her in that was as well and can make you feel uncomfortable and more worried about what is going to happen later on in the scene. It builds up suspense and creates a strong atmosphere.